LANCASTER, Pa – The holidays might be over, but Clipper Magazine Stadium and the Lancaster Barnstormers are continuing the season of giving into the new year by hosting the largest food, clothing and personal item drive in Lancaster from January 25th-January 30th. The goal is to “Pack the Park” with enough donated items to fill skids throughout the entire concourse.
Donations can be dropped off at the Box Office of Clipper Magazine Stadium at any time between the hours of 9:00am-5:00pm beginning on Monday, January 25th until Friday January 29th and on Saturday January 30th from 9:00am-2:00pm. The Barnstormers will host a final day celebration that will take place on Saturday January 30th from 9:00am-2:00pm that will consist of music, Cylo, and discounted Barnstormers tickets being sold with half of every ticket price being donated back to local organizations whom the event benefits.
Suggested donation items include but are not limited to clothing, condiments, salad dressings, sugar, rice, canned soup, hot and cold breakfast cereals, canned fruit, chicken or vegetable stock, canned gravy, coffee, powdered creamer, tissues, baby wipes, diapers, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream, hair brushes, razors, and shaving cream. Cash donations will also be accepted via the Barnstormers website. Local supermarkets and partners have offered to donate products to help kick start the event.
When the food drive concludes, the donations will be divided equally and sent to the participating organizations: Community Food Bank, Solanco Food Bank, Columbia Food Bank, Food Distribution Center – Zion Lutheran Church, Petra Care Closet, Tabor, Lancaster County Food Hub, Crispus Attucks Community Center and more.
“It is critical that we continue to support the organizations who support those in need in our community,” said Barnstormers general manager Mike Reynolds. “When you donate an item, large or small, you are helping an individual in need to take a step forward. I hope all of Lancaster County can come together and help us Pack the Park for those in need and make a significant difference for our community.”